In order to help fund all of the great things the campus chapter does, there are many fundraising opportunities throughout the year. All of these events not only help generate funds for Penn State Habitat, but they also help grow lifelong friendships between club members.

Spikes Baseball Games
The State College Spikes is the town's minor league baseball team. Penn State Habitat sends several club members to help work concessions. The stadium crew is always very excited and appreciative for the Habitat members that come to assist them. These events are always a lot of fun and a great way to meet new members at the start of the school year.
Bryce Jordan Center Events
Another great local venue Penn State Habitat assists is the Bryce Jordan Center. Throughout both the fall and spring semesters, students constantly go to the arena to help with both concessions and stage crew for concerts. Stage crew is particularly popular because it is a unique opportunity to see all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into all the concerts we love!

Gingerbread Build
Besides helping some of the local venues in our community, Habitat organizes club-run fundraisers. They allow club members, Penn State students, and community members to come together to support Habitat. The most popular event Habitat hosts is the annual Gingerbread Build to prepare for the holiday season. Teams of up to 8 people create their own gingerbread houses and compete for great prizes. There is no better way to relax before finals then getting a group of friends together for an afternoon of fun. The event gets bigger and better every year since its creation in 2016!
Lego Build
Given the success of the Gingerbread Build, the club held the inaugural Lego Build in the spring of 2019. It is yet another opportunity for the State College community to support the club while playing with a favorite childhood activity. Similar to the Gingerbread Build, teams use Legos to create structures based on a specific theme. A lot of people really enjoyed the first year of the event, so Habitat is excited to hold this event again in the future!