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Spring Breaks Recap
Spring Break 2024
This spring break, eight members of the club traveled to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to assist the Broward County Chapter in their housing projects. They spent the week volunteering with local volunteers and numerous other college Habit for Humanity groups on the trip. While they got to work, they also got to spend time at the beach, snorkeling and checking out the area. The campground housed multiple other colleges, and they got to meet fellow students while having nightly dinners and relaxing at the campfire.
On this spring break, five members of the Habitat for Humanity club traveled down to New Bern, North Carolina, to work with the Craven County Habitat for Humanity. They spent the week working with local volunteers and habitat employees to aid in the construction of two Habitat for Humanity homes.
Spring Break 2023:

The two jobs were at vastly different points in the construction process. One house was only a few weeks away from being finished, the other house hadn't even had a concrete slab placed yet. This allowed the group to experience months of progress in just one week.

In addition to construction, the group had the privilege to be offered a destruction job. The group ripped apart an old house and salvaged anything with value to be sold at the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Craven County.

​The group was welcomed to the historic town of New Bern with open arms. The boys were feed by local churches, restaurants, and habitat donors as a thank you for giving up their spring break to make an impact in the community.

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